TechWise Insider - Navigating Tech, One Byte at a Time!

What to do if they hacked your Viber account

With over 1 billion monthly users, Viber is no joke when it comes to messaging and chat apps. Therefore, it is often a target for hackers who want to gain access to our bank details in various clever ways. If your Viber was hacked, this guide will help you regain access.

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Navigating Tech, One Byte at a Time!

Your Instagram Feed is not loading? Here's what's happening!
Tech Guides

Many people have reported to me in the last few months that their Instagram feed just stopped working, and images and videos didn’t load. Even when they are able to sign in and go to their profiles, their content is not loading either; So what’s going on and why is your Instagram feed not loading?

How to fix the AdSense's issue on your IAB TC string

Has Google AdSense detected an issue on your IAB TC string on one or more of your sites or apps, and know is displaying a notice? Here’s how I fixed the issue on all my websites just by looking at the report on the EU user consent page.

An AI Robot - Created with Freepik AI Image Generator

With so many AI Image Generators now available, providing an easy way for creators to create unique AI-generated images, shouldn’t more people start using them? And should bloggers replace their traditional images with AI-generated images in their blog posts?

Living in the Age of AI Navigating the New Normal
AIPersonal Opinions

It’s expected that artificial intelligence (AI) will replace millions of jobs and affect billions of positions over the next decades, but how can you handle this change? Shortly put, it depends on the industry that you’re currently working, and how much time you’re loosing by not learning new skills that are needed for future jobs.

ThemeForest: An Honest Review and the Abandoned Themes
Website ReviewsWordPress

Getting ready to start your own website or blog? Maybe even redesigning your current one, by giving it a bit of fresh air? If you’re looking at ThemeForest, the biggest marketplace in the world for WordPress themes, you may want to take a step back and learn how to look for the right one and how to avoid any abandoned themes.

What is the best Web Browser in 2024 A quick comparison
App Reviews

I’ve used the most popular web browsers in the world to see which one is the king of all, and I found out exactly what I was expecting: It all depends on the needs and personal preferences of every individual.